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Can I have an android activity run only on the first time an application is opened?

OK, so I'm playing around with an android app.

The 90% use case is that users want to go straight to the primary list screen to find what they're looking for. That's what I want as my default screen.

The first time a user loads the app however, some configuration is required before their list screen is of any value to them.

So my question, is how I can go about displaying the configuration activity the first time the app is opened up, and then the list screen for future openings.

I also want to put a demo button on the configuration screen, so I suppose more than just detecting that it's the first time, I specifically want to detect whether the user has performed certain configurations within the first screen.


  • i like dweebsonduty's method. a similar way to do this is to save their configuration information in files on the SD card. your app could start out by checking for those files and loading the information. if the load is successful, it moves on to the next activity, if not it starts the appropriate activity to prompt the user for input.

    I have done this same thing, but instead of swiching activities i just switch views until i have all the info i need, and then move on.