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NtOpenSection(L"\\Device\\PhysicalMemory") returns STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND

I am implementing SMBIOS reading functionality for Windows systems. As API levels vary, there are several methods to support:

  1. trouble-free GetSystemFirmwareTable('RSMB') available on Windows Server 2003 and later;
  2. hardcore NtOpenSection(L"\\Device\\PhysicalMemory") for legacy systems prior to and including Windows XP;
  3. essential WMI data in L"Win32_ComputerSystemProduct" path through cumbersome COM automation calls as a fallback.

Methods 1 and 3 are already implemented, but I am stuck with \Device\PhysicalMemory, as NtOpenSection always yields 0xC0000034 (STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) — definitely not one of the possible result codes in the ZwOpenSection documentation. Of course, I am aware that accessing this section is prohibited starting from Windows Server 2003sp1 and perhaps Windows XP-64 as well, so I am trying this on a regular Windows XP-32 system — and the outcome is no different to that of a Windows 7-64, for example. I am also aware that administrator rights may be required even on legacy systems, but people on the internets having faced this issue reported more relevant error codes for such scenario, like 0xC0000022 (STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED) and 0xC0000005 (STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION).

My approach is based on the Libsmbios library by Dell, which I assume to be working.

UNICODE_STRING wsMemoryDevice;
HANDLE hMemory;
NTSTATUS ordStatus;

RtlInitUnicodeString(&wsMemoryDevice, L"\\Device\\PhysicalMemory");
InitializeObjectAttributes(&oObjAttrs, &wsMemoryDevice,

ordStatus = NtOpenSection(&hMemory, SECTION_MAP_READ, &oObjAttrs);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ordStatus)) goto Finish;

I thought it could be possible to debug this, but native API seems to be transparent to debuggers like OllyDbg: the execution immediately returns once SYSENTER instruction receives control. So I have no idea why Windows cannot find this object. I also tried changing the section name, as there are several variants in examples available online, but that always yields 0xC0000033 (STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID).


  • Finally, I found the cause of such a strange behavior, — thanks to you, people, confirming that my code snippet (it was an actual excerpt, not a forged example) really works. The problem was that I did not have Windows DDK installed initially (I do have now, but still cannot integrate it with Visual Studio in a way that Windows SDK integrates automatically), so there was a need to write definitions by hand. Particularly, when I realized that InitializeObjectAttributes is actually a preprocessor macro rather than a Win32 function, I defined RtlInitUnicodeString as a macro, too, since its effect is even simpler. However, I was not careful enough to notice that UNICODE_STRING.Length and .MaximumLength are in fact meant for content size and buffer size instead of length, i. e. number of bytes rather than number of characters. Consequently, my macro was setting the fields to a half of their expected value, thus making Windows see only the first half of the L"\\Device\\PhysicalMemory" string, — with obvious outcome.