The following class is failing with ZipArchive error 23 - "Entry has been deleted" when attempting to add a new empty dir that is nested in another added empty dir. Ex:
works just fine, but something like:
will fail when attempting to add dir1/dir2
Downloader Class
class Downloader {
var $path, $tmp, $zip, $txt, $selected;
function __construct($selected) {
global $webroot;
$this->path = $webroot.'downloads/';
$this->tmp = tempnam('../tmp', 'dln');
$this->zip = new ZipArchive();
$this->zip->open($this->tmp, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE);
$this->txt = '';
$this->selected = $selected;
public function incl_file($name) {
$this->zip->addFile($this->path.$name, $name);
public function incl_dir($name) {
$files = new DirectoryIterator($this->path.$name.'/');
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!$file->isDot()) {
if ($file->isDir()) {
} else {
public function download($downloadObj) {
$selected = preg_split('/,/', $this->selected);
foreach ($selected as $name) {
$this->txt .= file_get_contents($this->path.$name.'.snip');
foreach ($downloadObj->files as $file) {
if ($name == $file->name) {
// check to see if there are files to include
if (strlen($file->incl_files) > 0) {
// if so, get include directories
$incl_dirs = preg_split('/,/', $file->incl_dir);
// iterate include directories
foreach ($incl_dirs as $dir) {
// get include file groups
$incl_file_groups = preg_split('/,/', $file->incl_files);
// iterate include file groups
foreach ($incl_file_groups as $group) {
// get individual include files
$incl_files = preg_split('/\|/', $group);
// iterate individual include files
foreach ($incl_files as $f) {
// check to see if all files in include dir should be inserted
if ($f == '*') {
} else {
$path = '';
if ($dir == "/") {
$path = $f;
} else {
$path .= $dir.'/'.$f;
$this->txt = file_get_contents($this->path.'').$this->txt.file_get_contents($this->path.'');
$this->zip->addFromString('DownloadTemplate.xml', $this->txt);
$filename = '';
header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D,d M YH:i:s') . ' GMT');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Content-type: application/zip');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename);
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
After a lot of debugging and testing different options, it turns out that the problem was in the call to addEmptyDir()
. For some reason that I still haven't found an answer to, the call was failing to add the directory in the Zip. However, I then discovered that the call was unnecessary altogether as addFile()
will create the necessary dirs when given a relative path name, such as 'dir1/file1'
. Knowing this I just removed the call for addEmptyDir()
and was able to properly generate the zip file with appropriate directories.