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Connect Topbraid Composer to Stardog with Sesame

I'm failing to connect Topbraid Composer 4.6.3 to Stardog 3.0 with the help of a Sesame 2.8.1 repository. These are the steps I'm following:

  1. Create a new RDF/OWL Sesame2 Repository Connection
  2. Entered a File name, Base URI and Service URL. The available repositories are correctly shown.

enter image description here

  1. Select the Stardog repository
  2. When I try to connect, the following message is shown

enter image description here

Also worth mentioning, is the fact that security is enabled in Stardog. Therefore I've added the credentials (http;//admin:admin@url) in the SPARQL query endpoint URL in the Sesame Workbench. There's no security configured for Sesame.

I'm wondering which tool will be the bottleneck. Has anyone done something similar yet?


  • Stardog does not support the Sesame HTTP API. If there is a way to connect TopBraid to a database via the SPARQL protocol, I suggest using that option.