Using AvalonDock I created the ToolBoxControl and now I am planning to disable certain top level activities (want it visible just greyed out). I wanted to know the ways I can do it.
The image below, the activities circled in red, I want either to grey them out or change font colour. This way I can differentiate the users using the software.
The code used for this in XAML is
<xcad:DockingManager Grid.Row="1"
<xcad:LayoutRoot x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<xcad:LayoutPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<xcad:LayoutAnchorablePane DockWidth="200">
<xcad:LayoutAnchorable Title="Toolbox" CanClose="False" CanFloat="False" CanHide="False" ContentId="toolbox" x:Name="CtrlToolbox">
<xcad:LayoutAnchorable Title="Outline" CanClose="False" CanFloat="False" CanHide="False" ContentId="outline" x:Name="CtrlOutline">
The .cs version of this is :
private void AddToolBox()
ToolboxControl tc = GetToolboxControl(); //CreateToolboxControls();
CtrlToolbox.Content = tc;
private ToolboxControl GetToolboxControl()
// Create the ToolBoxControl.
ToolboxControl ctrl = new ToolboxControl();
ToolboxCategory categoryFlowChart = new ToolboxCategory("Flow Chart");
ToolboxCategory categoryStateMachine = new ToolboxCategory("State Machine");
ToolboxCategory categoryExport = new ToolboxCategory("File System");
ToolboxCategory categoryWindowsApp = new ToolboxCategory("Windows App");
ToolboxCategory categorySSH = new ToolboxCategory("SSH");
ToolboxCategory categoryVBScript = new ToolboxCategory("VB Script");
ToolboxCategory categoryCommunication = new ToolboxCategory("Communication");
ToolboxCategory categoryDatabase = new ToolboxCategory("Database");
// Add the category to the ToolBox control.
return ctrl
Any other information I need to provide please let me know. Just need to be able to disable the top level activity.
Take a look at this example, its not exactly what your after. But it explains how to customize the ToolboxControl style and alter the icons. The idea can be applied to alter the style of the ToolboxItems to your own means. (review step 3 specifically). If you need further assistance I can work on an example.