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Difference between str() and astype(str)?

I want to save the dataframe df to the .h5 file MainDataFile.h5 :

df.to_hdf ("c:/Temp/MainDataFile.h5", "MainData", mode = "w", format = "table", data_columns=['_FirstDayOfPeriod','Category','ChannelId'])

and get the following error :

*** Exception: cannot find the correct atom type -> > [dtype->object,items->Index(['Libellé_Article', 'Libellé_segment'], dtype='object')]

If I modifify the column 'Libellé_Article' in this way :

df['Libellé_Article'] = str(df['Libellé_Article'])

there is no error anymore, whereas I still get the error message when doing :

df['Libellé_Article'] = df['Libellé_Article'].astype(str)

The problem is that using str() is blowing up my ram.

Any idea ?


  • str(df['Libellé_Article']) will convert the contents of the entire column in to single string. It will end up with a very big string. And thats the reason for blowing up your RAM

    For example

    >> df = pd.DataFrame([1,2,3], columns=['A'])
    >> df['A']
    0    1
    1    2
    2    3 
    Name: A, dtype: int64
    >> str(df['A'])
     '0    1\n1    2\n2    3\nName: A, dtype: int64'
    >> df['A'].astype(str)
    0    1
    1    2
    2    3
    Name: A, dtype: object

    So you should use .astype(str) only, if you want to convert your entire column to type string