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What are the methodologies to use Version Contol System (Revision Control) in a team project?

Just in case I make mistakes, sorry for my English :). I am trying to learn how to use VCS in a big team project, what are the different approaches to it. Can you help me find information about that, because all I find is just a description of functions to different VCS systems. I need more practical knowledge, like what king of branches to create, how correlate roles in the team with access restrictions for the VCS. I would appreciate any kind of help. Thanks in advance! :)


  • Take a look at this workflow:

    I used that one in one of my projects but beware with a VC like git and all other DVC you will have merge conflicts popping up. Ultra annoying and a disadvantage but the advantages are bigger...

    This one looks also good.

    If you have more questions feel free to ask