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Yeson.json.object is applied to too many arguments

import Yesod
import Data.Text

data App = App

instance Yesod App

mkYesod "App" [parseRoutes|
               / Home GET

getHome :: String -> Handler Value
getHome  =  object ["name" .= ("Adam"::Text)]

main = warpDebug 2012 App

throws error as,

 Couldn't match expected type ‘String -> Handler Value’
                with actual type ‘Value’
    Possible cause: ‘object’ is applied to too many arguments
    In the expression: object ["name" .= ("Adam" :: Text)]
    In an equation for ‘getHome’:
        getHome = object ["name" .= ("Adam" :: Text)]

object is not in scope in prelude. Which package/module defines this? Why doesn't it take the key-value pair in the above case?


  • object is not in scope in prelude. Which package/module defines this?


    Why doesn't it take the key-value pair in the above case?

    It takes the key value pair just fine. The error message is telling you that object gives you a Value, but you declared getHome to be of type String -> Handler Value, not Value.

    The "possible cause" seems to just be misleading in this case.