So far, I'm able to perform CRUD operations on Lists, I was wondering if it is possible to do it on Site Columns, I've try to find it on the web but I literally found nothing, I dediced to drop a question here just to understand if it is possible or not, in case it is possible can please anyone provide me some sources so I can learn? thanks in advance.
This is doing exactly what you need, I've done it for work as well couple of weeks ago.
var ctx;
var web;
var fieldChoice;
var fieldName;
var values;
$(function () {
SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(Function.createDelegate(this, function () {
fieldName = $('#dropdown').find(":selected").text();
}), 'SP.js');
function selection() {
fieldName = $('#dropdown').find(":selected").text();
function populateValues(fieldName) {
ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
web = ctx.get_web();
fieldChoice = ctx.castTo(web.get_availableFields().getByTitle(fieldName), SP.FieldChoice);
ctx.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.OnLoadSuccess), Function.createDelegate(this, this.OnLoadFailed));
/* Displays the vaules of the array in the textarea */
function OnLoadSuccess() {
values = fieldChoice.get_choices();
function OnLoadFailed(e, args) {
/* Push the textarea values in an array */
function addItemsToColumns() {
values = $('textarea#textareadisplay').val().split('\n');
/* Function to delete empty values in the array */
function columnSpaceDelete() {
for (x = 0; x <= values.length - 1; x++) {
var a = values.indexOf("");
if (a !== -1) {
values.splice(a, 1);
/* Update the columns values whit the values in the array */
function updateFieldChoice() {
ctx.executeQueryAsync(function () { }, function () { });
And the relative HTML:
<select id="dropdown" name="dropdown" onchange="selection()">
<option value="EngineType_Cylinders">EngineType_Cylinders</option>
<option value="EngineType_EngineCycle">EngineType_EngineCycle</option>
<option value="EngineType_EngineFamily">EngineType_EngineFamily</option>
<option value="EngineType_Euro">EngineType_Euro</option>
<option value="EngineType_FamilyEvolution">EngineType_FamilyEvolution</option>
<option value="EngineType_GasEmissionLevel">EngineType_GasEmissionLevel</option>
<option value="EngineType_Power">EngineType_Power</option>
<option value="EngineType_PowerSupply">EngineType_PowerSupply</option>
<option value="EngineType_Use">EngineType_Use</option>
</select><br />
<textarea id="textareadisplay"></textarea><br />
<input type ="button" id="updatebtn" value="Update values" onclick="addItemsToColumns()" />