The window.resize
event in IE doesn't do what I thought it does.
I thought it only triggered when the physical window/view-port changed size (i.e. user hits maximize on the browser window for example), but it is also triggered if I change the document size, introducing scroll bars.
Is there any way to tell those two things apart: view port resize, and document resize without writing an elaborate hack?
No takers? well here is the hack (not tested - but the idea is right)
function viewPortResize(fn, context){
context = context || window;
var $window = $(window);
var winWidth = $window.width();
var winHeight = $window.height();
return function(e){
var oldW = winWidth;
var oldH = winHeight;
winWidth = $window.width();
winHeight = $window.height();
if (winWidth != oldW || winHeight != oldH){
fn.apply(context, [e]);
alert("this only happens when viewport is resized!");