Search code examples

Databean to fetch CATENTDESCOVR

I need to fetch data of CATENTDESCOVR using Databean.

Is there any databean provided by IBM to get the data?

I am using IBM WebSphere Commerce V7.0 Feature Pack 8


  • this is good question and here below is the explanation how CATENTDESCOVR works , this answer is based on WCS 7.0 , FEP 7 . but I believe fep 8 have same api , i don't think IBM enhanced this in fep8!

    • the information of CATENTDESCOVR are indexed and stored in solr, BUT the reason for indexing is just for searching and spellcheck, you can see how we are copying these info to defultSearch and spellCheck to make these values searchable and to be part of spellcheck (end of schema.xml).

    if you look at how these data are indexed and stored in solr in schema.xml you will find following line

       Catentry's description override: map to table CATENTDESCOVR
       <field name="nameOverride" type="wc_text" indexed="true" stored="true"  multiValued="true"/>
       <field name="shortDescriptionOverride" type="wc_text" indexed="true" stored="true"  multiValued="true"/>
       <field name="keywordOverride" type="wc_text" indexed="true" stored="true"  multiValued="true"/>

    please note here the multiValued="true" , this means that if you have multible stores belongs to same Esite , the solr index the nameOvr , descOvr as multivalued for that catentryId , but solr have no idea which overridden name belongs to which store , that bean said , IBM solr index the master catalog data not store specific data .

    this brings the question how the overridden name is shown per store in store front?

    the answer is by utilizing WC-Search post-processor:

    if you look at the implementation of this postprocessor you will find the following high level steps :

    1- get the catOvrGrpId by:

    catOvrGrpId = CatalogOverrideHelper.getOverrideGroupIdForStore(this.iStoreId)

    2- get the required overridden data by calling the DSL service:

    JDBCQueryService service = new JDBCQueryService("");
    queryParameters.put("language", langIds);
    queryParameters.put("UniqueID", catEntryUniqueIDs);
    queryParameters.put("catOverrideGroupID", groupIds);

    3- convert the array list returned to JSON compatible result:

    populateOverrideCatalogEntries((List)listOfPhysicalObjects, catalogEntryViews);

    you can reused the codes above and try to de-compile SolrRESTSearchCatalogEntryViewDescriptionQueryPostprocessor to understand how you can read these information from database.

    the query for IBM_Get_CatentryDescOverride_By_LangId_And_CatentryId_And_GroupId is exist under Search/xml/config/

    Hope this will be informative for you.

    Thanks Abed