I came accross this: t = Clamp(t/d, 0, 1) but I'm not sure how to perform this operation on a vector. What are the steps to clamp a vector if one was writing their own vector implementation?
clamp clamping a vector to a minimum and a maximum
pc = # the point you are coloring now
p0 = # start point
p1 = # end point
v = p1 - p0
d = Length(v)
v = Normalize(v) # or Scale(v, 1/d)
v0 = pc - p0
t = Dot(v0, v)
t = Clamp(t/d, 0, 1)
color = (start_color * t) + (end_color * (1 - t))
clamp(vec, lb, ub) == min(max(vec, lb), ub)
min and max are usually primitive operations on vectors. For example, if you're using SSE vectors, there are _mm_min_ps and _mm_max_ps intrinsics that turn into MINPS and MAXPS instructions on x86.