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Defining a method in Rubymine returns "undefined method" error

I am executing a class with only this code in rubymine:

def saythis(x)
  puts x

It returns an error: undefined method `saythis', rather than printing the string 'words'. What am I missing here? Replicating this code in irb prints the string 'words'.


  • I assume you wrote a class like the one below and did not write that code into a irb console. The problem is that you define an instance method, but try to call the method from the class level.

    class Foo
      def say_this(x)      # <= defines an instance method
        puts x
      say_this('words')    # <= calls a class method

    There a two ways to "fix" this:

    1. Define a class method instead of an instance method: def self.say_this(x)
    2. Call the instance method instead of the class method call: new.say_this(x)