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Mapping a string Array to an Object using ValueInjecter

I'm looking for suggestions on how I might solve the following problem using ValueInjecter.

NOTE: Before anyone jumps in and a) tells me I'm doing it wrong or b) tells me I shouldn't be using ValueInjecter - please don't. beacuse a) I have no control over the source data and b) ValueInjecter is used everywhere else in the project, for every other data morphing task so using a different toolkit is really not an option)

The Problem

From a set of 3rd party service classes, I receive inbound data that is formatted as a keyed string array. That is, my inbound object looks something like this:

var inboundData  = string[];
var field1 = inboundData["field1"];
var field2 = inboundData["field2"];
var field3 = inboundData["field3"];
var field4 = inboundData["field4"];

(note: this is not real data, just a mockup of what I'm dealing with)

The main premise here is that to get at a field in the inbound data i either have to specify a field name, or an array index, I can't change this as the library that provides the data is supplied by a 3rd party who won't change things, and which our licence doesn't permit me to change.

Each inbound data packet contains only the fields for one record, so if I have multiple rows to deal with what I actually have is an array of arrays, but I'm not worried about transforming that just yet, I want to tackle transforming only a single record first.

What I need to do therefore, is to take:

var inboundData  = string[];
var field1 = inboundData["field1"];
var field2 = inboundData["field2"];
var field3 = inboundData["field3"];
var field4 = inboundData["field4"];

and transform it to:

public class inboundData
  public string field1 { get; set; }
  public string field2 { get; set; }
  public string field3 { get; set; }
  public string field4 { get; set; }

if possible, I'd like to be able to do this using ValueInjecter so that array key ["blah"] is mapped to object property blah automatically should any field names be changed.

The Current Solution

At the moment, the data is transformed, but using the old fashioned method of:

var inboundData = inboundService.GetNextRecord();
InboudDataObject = new InboundDataObject
  field1 = inboundData["field1"],
  field2 = inboundData["field2"],
  field3 = inboundData["field3"],
  field4 = inboundData["field4"]

While this works ok, there are going to be problems in future, and as anyone who's done this before will know it's a maintenance nightmare waiting to happen.

I'd therefore like to be able to just do something like:

var inboundData = inboundService.GetNextRecord();
InboudDataObject = new InboundDataObject().InjectFrom(inboundData);

So that if the 3rd party add a field to their record all I have to do is add a field of that name to my object.

Right now, I have a couple of experiments I'm going to try, but after a day or twos worth of research I've not turned up anything concrete, I've found a couple of posts of performing a similar task using Auto-Mapper, but I'm not using Auto-Mapper so at best all I get from them is a few ideas (That's where my Experiments came from).

So there we have it, anyone out there have any ideas/thoughts on how to tackle this one?

Cheers Shawty

Update 7/5/2015

So about 24 hours later, "Omu" the creator of ValueInjecter solves my problem in one go (Many Thanks), I though however I would share the approach I'd been toying with since I posted this question, even though it's a little incomplete.

After reading various things last night, I decided to experiment with trying to fill a dynamic object from the string array, with the intention that I could then just do a property to property injection from the anonymous/dynamic object into my concrete class.

This approach would actually have worked except for one problem "not being able to run extension methods on dynamic objects." however, some one out there may very well figure out the final piece of the puzzle, so here's my experimental code, so folks can see where my thoughts where:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Dynamic;
using Omu.ValueInjecter;

namespace dynamic_mapping_test
  public class DestinationObject
    public string field1 { get; set; }
    public int field2 { get; set; }
    public string[] field3 { get; set; }
    public bool field4 { get; set; }
    public double field5 { get; set; }

  class Program
    private static Dictionary<string, object> sourceData = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    static void Main()
      sourceData["field1"] = "A person";
      sourceData["field2"] = 20;
      sourceData["field3"] = new string[] {"A thing", "A thing"};
      sourceData["field4"] = false;
      sourceData["field5"] = 999.999;

      var eo = new ExpandoObject();
      var eoCollection = (ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, object>>) eo;

      foreach (var inputObject in sourceData)

      dynamic eoDynamic = eo;

      DestinationObject myObject = new DestinationObject().InjectFrom((object)eoDynamic) as DestinationObject;


I'm marking Omu's post as the answer though, because that solves the problem now, the rest is just food for thought


  • you need to do the same thing as here:

    except in your case it will be KnownSourceValueInjection<string[]>