I'm a beginner in developing applications using Ruby on Rails and I'm currently signed up and using Cloud9 as my development IDE.
I've created my first Rails project without a hitch and I'm following a tutorial on how to create a Rails website applying bootstrap.
I've installed the necessary gems bootstrap-sass
and autoprefixer-rails
, renamed my application.css
to application.css.scss
, added @import "bootstrap-sprockets"
& @import "bootstrap"
, added //= require bootstrap-sprockets
to application.js
and added a navbar copied directly from the bootstrap homepage.
The tutorial I've been following is this youtube tutorial video:
The problem is that after saving all changes and even after restarting my rails server, bootstrap never seems to be applied and I can't get it to work in my application. Any insights on this problem which may help me to resolve it. I've been trying to search google but it seems that it's a rare case so I can't find any good information to solve this problem.
There are several possibilities for your issue, however, we dont have enough info to help. Useful info would be: Rails version, ruby version, a quick look at your gem-file etc.
For the interim, just use these CDN's in your application.html.erb file in the layouts.
CSS: <link rel='stylesheet' href="ttps://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css">
JS: <script src='https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/js/bootstrap.min.js'></script>
Things to definitely check: