Trying to connect the package:
Doing so: php composer.phar require facebook / php-sdk-v4
There is a successful installation package
"require": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "3.7.24",
"phing/phing": "dev-master",
"facebook/php-sdk-v4": "4.1.*@dev"
The file butstrap.fp before loading module adds:
require (DOCROOT.'vendor / autoload.php ');
In the right controller call:
FacebookSession :: setDefaultApplication ('APP_ID', 'APP_SECRET'); and I get the error:
ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Class 'FacebookSession' not found
Why is that?
Tried to run
$ session = new FacebookSession (); , An error occurs:
ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Class 'FacebookSession' not found
The Facebook SDK uses namespaces, and you are not using them. That's why the classes are not found: You have to add the namespace or import the class into your own namespace.