i am using sending receiving messages from activemq over stomp using node js stompit library (https://github.com/gdaws/node-stomp).
Issue:- There is a case where i want to schedule a message to be send after n minutes. I don't see any way i can set this AMQ_SCHEDULED_DELAY header using this library (or any other nodejs library)
Has anybody used these message properties for scheduling.
The scheduled message values map directly to string values of the same name so the AMQ_SCHEDULED_DELAY constant maps to "AMQ_SCHEDULED_DELAY" in the message properties. This means it is simple to schedule a message in STOMP.
Here is a sample unit test from ActiveMQ.
public void testSendMessageWithDelay() throws Exception {
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(queue);
String frame = "CONNECT\n" + "login:system\n" + "passcode:manager\n\n" + Stomp.NULL;
frame = stompConnection.receiveFrame();
frame = "SEND\n" + "AMQ_SCHEDULED_DELAY:2000\n" + "destination:/queue/" + getQueueName() + "\n\n" + "Hello World" + Stomp.NULL;
TextMessage message = (TextMessage)consumer.receive(1000);
message = (TextMessage)consumer.receive(2500);