Sub Testcopy()
X = MsgBox("Press 1 to clear sheet or press 2 to copy")
If X = 1 Then GoTo clearsheet
If X = 2 Then GoTo Copysheet
'MsgBox ("Incorrect entry")
End Sub
Sub clearsheet()
sheetclearname = InputBox(" Enter the sheet you want to clear")
End Sub
Sub Copysheet()
ActiveSheet.Range("A2").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
ActiveSheet.Range("A2").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
End Sub
I am trying to make a main routine which ask the user to enter option 1 or 2 Option 1 takes to subroutine clearsheet and it clears the sheet chosen
option 2 activates sub routine CopySheet and this copies from tab input range expenses to sheet 3
when I run the macro I get label not defined
Sub Testcopy()
X = MsgBox("Press 1 to clear sheet or press 2 to copy")
If X = 1 Then Call clearsheet
If X = 2 Then Call Copysheet
'MsgBox ("Incorrect entry")
End Sub