I'd like to remove network drives from the system using a PowerShell script.
I need to find the drive by name, as the command $net.RemoveNetworkDrive('P:',1)
needs the driveletter.
Is there a command to find the network drive letter in PowerShell?
My script:
$Drive = "\\\Blabla"
echo $Drive
if (((New-Object -Com WScript.Network).EnumNetworkDrives() | Where-Object {$_ -eq $Drive}))
echo 'found Drive'
#$net = $(New-Object -comobject WScript.Network)
echo 'Drive not there'
You could try the following method for getting the drive information:
$Drive = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_mappedLogicalDisk `
-filter "ProviderName='\\\\\\Blabla'"
would become the drive letter which should allow you to the do the following:
$net = $(New-Object -comobject WScript.Network)