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Implement a custom force in Prefuse's ForceDirectedLayout

I would like to add custom forces to a force-directed-layout in Prefuse. Specifically I would like to make a) edges between specific nodes very rigid, b) introduce directed edges such that the source vertex tends to move above the target vertex.

Any clues how to proceed?


  • One can sub-class the standard SpringForce and add further constraints. The following works pretty well:

    import prefuse.util.force.{Spring, SpringForce}
    object MySpringForce {
      private final val pi    = math.Pi.toFloat
      private final val piH   = (math.Pi/2).toFloat
      private final val eps   = (1 * math.Pi/180).toFloat
    class MySpringForce extends SpringForce {
      import MySpringForce._
      private val TORQUE    = params.length
      private val DISTANCE  = TORQUE + 1
      params    = params    ++ Array[Float](5e-5f, -1f)
      minValues = minValues ++ Array[Float](0f   , -1f)
      maxValues = maxValues ++ Array[Float](1e-3f, 500f)
      override def getParameterNames: Array[String] =
        super.getParameterNames ++ Array("Torque", "Limit")
      private def angleBetween(a: Float, b: Float): Float = {
        val d = b - a
        math.atan2(math.sin(d), math.cos(d)).toFloat
      override def getForce(s: Spring): Unit = {
        val item1   = s.item1
        val item2   = s.item2
        val length  = if (s.length < 0) 
          params(SpringForce.SPRING_LENGTH) else s.length
        val x1      = item1.location(0)
        val y1      = item1.location(1)
        val x2      = item2.location(0)
        val y2      = item2.location(1)
        var dx      = x2 - x1
        var dy      = y2 - y1
        val r0      = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy).toFloat
        val r1      = if (r0 == 0.0) {
          dx  = (math.random.toFloat - 0.5f) / 50.0f
          dy  = (math.random.toFloat - 0.5f) / 50.0f
          math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy).toFloat
        } else r0
        val dist    = params(DISTANCE)
        val r       = if (dist < 0) r1 else math.min(dist, r1)
        val d       = r - length
        val coeff   = (if (s.coeff < 0) 
          params(SpringForce.SPRING_COEFF) else s.coeff) * d / r
        item1.force(0) +=  coeff * dx
        item1.force(1) +=  coeff * dy
        item2.force(0) += -coeff * dx
        item2.force(1) += -coeff * dy
        val ang = math.atan2(dy, dx).toFloat
        val da = angleBetween(ang, -piH)
        if (math.abs(da) <= eps) return
        val af  = da / pi * params(TORQUE)
        val rH  = r/2
        val cx  = (x1 + x2) / 2
        val cy  = (y1 + y2) / 2
        val cos = math.cos(ang + af).toFloat * rH
        val sin = math.sin(ang + af).toFloat * rH
        val x1t = cx - cos
        val y1t = cy - sin
        val x2t = cx + cos
        val y2t = cy + sin
        item1.force(0) += x1t - x1
        item1.force(1) += y1t - y1
        item2.force(0) += x2t - x2
        item2.force(1) += y2t - y2