I want to redirect the user to a language page and not allow him to the index page if he hasn't chosen a language yet. I'm using the Angular Translate module. This module has cookie usage built-in with the following function:
This works. Now I would like to know if this cookie is set, and if not, redirect the user to the language page. Here's my idea how to handle this.
.factory('cookiecheck', function(){
if($translateProvider.CookieStorage.get) return true;
return false;
.run(function($rootScope, $state){
This doesn't work. How would I best approach this? What is the correct syntax to determine if a CookieStorage exists and redirect?
You have a few syntax errors in your posted code, the factory isn't necessary as you can inject the $translate
service into your run block.
.run(function($rootScope, $state, $location, $translate) {
var store = $translate.storage();
// if store is empty?
if(angular.equals(store, {}))){
else {
See ng-translate docs for cookie store
Also, since you won't know if and when the cookie will be expired or removed i think it is best to watch the route for changes and do your check then.
To do that hook into the $stateChangeStart
event from ui router in your run block
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){
// check then redirect
see this post for watching route changes