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R- choropleth maps- choroplethr package

Im trying to make a choropleth map of the european countries according to some metric (percentage of the population that have experienced an accident at work) using the new choroplethr package. Here's a reproducible example to demonstrate the 2 problems I need to solve.

    target<-c("austria","belgium","bulgaria","switzerland","cyprus","czech republic","denmark",
"slovenia","slovakia","turkey","united kingdom")



whole europe 1) The first profound problem that i come upon is these extra areas that belong to some countries(e.g france) and don't let the map zoom entirely on europe . I gave zoom parameter the whole vector of the countries that exist in the data frame . if i tried to country_choropleth(datas,legend="%",num_colors=1,zoom="switzerland") then it would zoom only on switzerland switzerland The problem arrives from countries such as france where country_choropleth(datas,legend="%",num_colors=1,zoom="france") enter image description here

So i need a way to disengage the areas that belong to european countries and are not in the European area . Any ideas?

2) The second problem that i have is that inside country.regions$region where the available regions to be used with the package exist , malta is missing. Its a single blot on the map , but still i cant skip it . Is there any way to add a country ?


  • You should probably make this two questions. You can augment the output of the choropleth pkg with other ggplot layers/aesthetics. To "zoom in" and use close to a proper projection you can do:

    gg <- country_choropleth(datas,legend="%",num_colors=1,zoom=target)
    gg <- gg + xlim(-31.266001, 39.869301)
    gg <- gg + ylim(27.636311, 81.008797)
    gg <- gg + coord_map("lambert", lat0=27.636311, lat1=81.008797)

    enter image description here

    (and you can play with the bounding box coords to get in a bit tighter)\