First timer here. My overall goal is to copy exactly, the data in 3 different xls files into one xls workbook with a sheet for each original xls file. In a non-programmatic sense, I want to copy and paste the data from each xls file into it's own sheet in a new workbook (xls or xlsx file). I've been using xlrd & xlwt to do this and with the help of searching around SO, I've been able to get most of the code set. However, I'm having difficult time comprehending how to use the command to read the data from each original xls file and put it on it's own sheet. As you will probably learn from my code block, my Python skills are limited. Thx!
import xlwt as xlwt
from os.path import join
import xlrd
wb = xlwt.Workbook()
path = r'C:\data_path\\'
xls1 = 'file1.xls'
xls2 = 'file2.xls'
xls3 = 'file3.xls'
Sheet1 = 'file1_data'
Sheet2 = 'file2_data'
Sheet3 = 'file3_data'
names = [Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3]
dataset = [path + xls1, path + xls2, path + xls3]
for name in names:
for n, data in enumerate(dataset):
**I feel there should be some type of statement here**
ws = wb.get_sheet(n)
ws.write(0,0, data),'test.xls'))
Assuming that each source file has only one sheet:
import xlwt as xlwt
from os.path import join
import xlrd
output = xlwt.Workbook()
path = r'C:\data_path\\'
xls1 = 'file1.xls'
xls2 = 'file2.xls'
xls3 = 'file3.xls'
Sheet1 = 'file1_data'
Sheet2 = 'file2_data'
Sheet3 = 'file3_data'
names = [Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3]
dataset = [path + xls1, path + xls2, path + xls3]
for n, data in enumerate(dataset):
book = xlrd.open_workbook(data, formatting_info=True)
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
r = output.add_sheet(names[n])
for row in range(sheet.nrows):
for column in range(sheet.ncols):
cell_val = sheet.cell_value(rowx=row, colx=column)
r.write(row, column, cell_val),'test.xls'))