I am trying to implement smooth 3D camera in my game. So, I have a few reserved positions and directions and I want to change view of my camera by applying them to my camera. Now I am doing it like below:
//Reserved positions and directions
//View #1
Vector3 pos1 = new Vector3(0, 5, -10);
Vector3 dir1 = new Vector3(0, 0, 10);
//View #2
Vector3 pos2 = new Vector3(5, 2, 5);
Vector3 dir2 = new Vector3(-2, 2, 7);
//Applying view #2
It works, but I need to do it smoothly. I've seen a similar question for 2D camera, but it doesn't appropriate for me, because orthographic camera doesn't need direction and Z-axis.
I tried to use method which is described for 2D camera. So, positioning works as needed, but I can't say the same about direction. Behaviour of direction is wrong. It rotates camera on Z-axis. Seems to me I have to update Up
vector too.
float lerp = 0.01f;
Vector3 position = camera.position;
position.x += (pos2.x - position.x) * lerp;
position.y += (pos2.y - position.y) * lerp;
position.z += (pos2.z - position.z) * lerp;
Vector3 direction = camera.direction;
direction.x += (dir2.x - direction.x) * lerp;
direction.y += (dir2.y - direction.y) * lerp;
direction.z += (dir2.z - direction.z) * lerp;
//LookAt function
tmpVec.set(x, y, z).sub(position).nor();
if (!tmpVec.isZero()) {
float dot = tmpVec.dot(up); // up and direction must ALWAYS be orthonormal vectors
if (Math.abs(dot - 1) < 0.000000001f) {
// Collinear
} else if (Math.abs(dot + 1) < 0.000000001f) {
// Collinear opposite
What is the correct way to set direction?
I would use the Univesal Tween Engine, which is a library for interpolating pretty much anything.
You'd have to write a Vector3Accessor class (which would be very simple), but then you'd have all sorts of controls and options for smooth movement. It has a very rich API and is used a lot for exactly this sort of thing.
I'd strongly recommend you put a little time into investigating it as an option -It'll give you a better result, and once you know it you'll find all sorts of other cool uses for it in your app.