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Linux permissions - user vs group permission

I know that the permissions listing are for user , then the group and the third one is for other users.

my example :

_rwxr--r-- tooth face file1.txt
_rwxr--r-- eye face file2.txt
_rwxr--r-- leg face file3.txt

groups included

tooth : face head 
eye : face head 
leg : body

Now, my question is : whether "leg" will have rwx permissions to file3 as it is not a member in group "face" ?


  • The file permissions are:

    _rwxr--r-- leg face file3.txt
     ^^^   ^^^
      |  ^^^ |
      |   |   others
      |   group

    This means that:

    • user leg has rwx permissions.
    • other users from group face have r-- permissions.
    • the rest of the users who are not in the group face have r-- permissions.

    Since the owner is leg, this user will of course have rwx permissions.