I wrote a script to find GID's in AD, this is working fine, the issue I'm having is filtering out the blank (null lines)
$result = $searcher.FindAll()
$result | Select-Object @{Name="DN";Expression+{$_.properties.distinguishedname}},@{Name="gid";Expression={$_.properties.gidnumber }} |Sort-Object -Property gid
I find it odd that you would be getting blank lines with that code. Can't think of a scenario where the distinguishedname
of a user is null. The one issue with your code that I do see might just be a typo in your first calculated expression:
should instead be
However that should have just made a syntax error that would be easily caught before execution.
A real easy PowerShell way to deal with this is to use a simple Where-Object
clause. For argument sake lets say that the GID
could be empty/null.
$result | Select-Object @{Name="DN";Expression={$_.properties.distinguishedname}},@{Name="gid";Expression={$_.properties.gidnumber }} | Where-Object{$_.GID} | Sort-Object -Property gid
A null or empty value evaluates to False in PowerShell. Where-Object{$_.GID}
will only allow objects with a populated property for GID
to pass as output. You will get similar results from string static methods as well. These would also add readability to your code.
... | Where-Object{[string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.GID)} | ...
There is also [string]::IsNullOrEmpty()