I have a url http://foo.com/banana
and I have another url http://foo.com/banana?a=1&b=2
I like that all /banana
routes are handled by my local nginx, but I'd like any banana routes with GET params to be proxied to http://bar.com
-> http://foo.com/banana
-> (proxy)
-> http://bar.com/banana?a=1
I should note this is not for production. I'm trying to redirect api calls to redirect to another server during development.
I've tried to do an 'if args' block but I can't do a proxy_pass
in an if block.
I thought about doing a rewrite of:
-> http://foo.com/proxy?a=1
location /proxy {
proxy_pass http://bar.com;
But I don't have the right logic for above because bar.com
is expecting the /banana
Any ideas?
Since this is not for production, you could stick with your original "if" solution. You only need to escape from the "if" block to be able to proxy_pass, which can be easily done with the traditional trick:
location /banana {
error_page 418 = @good_old_fallback;
if ($args) {
return 418;
location @good_old_fallback {
proxy_pass http://bar.com;
Your idea of using another location will also work, so if you prefer it better, you can go with something like this:
location /banana {
if ($args) {
rewrite ^/banana(.*)$ /proxy$1 last;
location /proxy {
rewrite ^/proxy(.*)$ /banana$1 break;
proxy_pass http://bar.com;