I have got three assembler code fragments and I should identify the proper calling convention (CDECL, STDCALL, FASTCALL) for each fragment. In order to identify the calling convention I was searching for the stack cleaner which is either caller or callee. But what if I cannot find the cleaning code which I assume have look like 'add esp, 8'. Am I wrong with my approach. Must I search for other calling convention characteristics? In the following there are the code fragments.
Fragment 1
push ebp
mov ebp , esp
sub esp , 0x8
mov [ ebp-0x4 ] , eax
mov [ ebp-0x8 ] , edx
mov eax , [ ebp-0x8 ]
mov edx , [ ebp-0x4 ]
add edx , eax
mov eax , ecx
add eax , edx
Fragment 2
push ebp
mov ebp , esp
mov eax , [ ebp+0xC]
mov edx , [ ebp+0x8 ]
add edx , eax
mov eax , [ ebp+0x10 ]
add eax , edx
pop ebp
ret 0xC
Fragment 3
push ebp
mov ebp , esp
mov eax , [ ebp+0xC]
mov edx , [ ebp+0x8 ]
add edx , eax
mov eax , [ ebp+0x10 ]
add eax , edx
pop ebp
first Fragment is fastcall calling convention because the procedure has used the registers(EAX,EDX) without assigning values to it - which means the caller used the registers for passing the arguments - like in line
mov [ ebp-0x4 ] , eax
second Fragment is stdcall calling convention because the procedure cleaned the stack off the parameters
ret 0xC
third Fragment is cdecl calling convention because the procedure took the parameters from the stack but it didn't cleared the stack off the parameters
quick marks for each one will be:
fastcall : the caller use registers for passing first two arguments.
stdcall : the callee has to clean the stack.
cdecl : the caller has to clean the stack.
for more information see the wiki