I've been trying to generate a temporary url in python, the url will some data that i need to make sure isn't changed so i'll add a hash in the end but i keep ending with a bString no matter what i try, can anyone point out what i'm doing wrong? Here's a sample of my code oh and i know that maybe changing the algorithms/encoding might solve the problem but i can't find a suitable one, can any downvoter explain why he downvoted
import hashlib
import datetime
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
def checkTemp(tempLink):
encrypter = AES.new('1234567890123456', AES.MODE_CBC, 'this is an iv456')
decryption = encrypter.decrypt(tempLink)
length = len(decryption)
hash_code = decryption[length-32:length]
data= decryption[:length-32].strip()
hasher = hashlib.sha256()
hashCode = hasher.digest()
array = data.decode().split(",",5)
print("expiry date is :"+ str(array[5]))
return array[0],array[1],array[2],array[3],array[4]
return "","","","",""
def createTemp(inviter,email,role,pj_name,cmp_name):
delim = ','
data = inviter+delim+email+delim+role+delim+pj_name+delim+cmp_name+delim+str(datetime.datetime.now().time())
data = data.encode(encoding='utf_8', errors='strict')
hasher = hashlib.sha256()
hashCode = hasher.digest()
encrypter = AES.new('1234567890123456', AES.MODE_CBC, 'this is an iv456')
# to make the link a multiple of 16 by adding for AES with the addition of spaces
newData = data+b' '*(len(data)%16)
result = encrypter.encrypt(newData+hashCode)
return result
link = createTemp("name","email@homail.com","Designer","Project Name","My Company")
inviter,email,role,project,company = checkTemp(link)
The problem was not being able to putout a normal string because the encryption will result in characters that are almost impossible to encode, so the solution is to use binascii to encode the bStrings for us and decode them
import binascii
then we encode the resulting usable string for the link
hexedLink = binascii.hexlify(link).decode()
and we unhexify it before using it in the method
inviter,email,role,project,company = checkTemp(binascii.unhexlify(hexedLink))