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Unreal Engine 4.7 cant create a normal skybox

Intro: So here I am coming from the Unreal Answerhub site since that place is truly unresponsive and alot of tutorials and resources are out of date as of the latest release 4.7 which changed the workflow.

The Problem:

I recently switched from Unity to Unreal and the first thing I wanted to do is create a skybox but the only thing it seems to support is a skydome which has far more polygons than a cube and the generated .dds cubemap files are far too huge to be used in webgl projects. Apart from that I dont know how to set up a simple sky.

What I Expect to Happen:

I want to try and get a simple traditional skybox up and running which uses 6 images instead of dds files for performance sake.

What I Tried:

1) I followed every 4.6 tutorial out there but without success since 4.7 has slightly changed the way we work with blueprints. Also the interface changed so it is hard for me as a new user to follow.

2) I tried my own method of creating a cube in the open source program Blender. Flipped the normals of the cube and uv mapped each of the 6 faces associated with my 6 images. Exported and imported to Unreal Engine. Scaled it to be huge. The problem is, as soon as the player walks the image im facing to seem to get closer. Is there a way to prevent that from happening? Like making it infinite or making the cubes center of gravity follow the player?

I would be really grateful for an answer. Not only will you help me but alot of others who dont get an answer from the unreal community regarding this issue.




  • The marketplace has some cheap high-resolution space skyboxes, maybe you could have a look how they do it. Alternatively, you can procedurally generate your sky in a blueprint like in the UE4 content examples. And it does not really matter performance-wise if your skydome has 8 or 800 vertices.

    Basically, the solution for a cubic skydome is what you already did with your point 2). What scale did you use for it to be "huge"? If you make the scale big enough (something like 1000000), it will NOT move once you move your player.