I have some <pre>
Would it be possible, using just CSS, to highlight single lines when hovering over them?
== Update ==
Here is some sample code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello World");
return 0;
When lines become longer it would be useful to have them highlighted when hovering.
The source file can't be read via PHP, or I'd split it into separate <pre>
lines, with a trivial pre:hover
is not a solution, because code lines are not "children" in the CSS sense.
works, but of course just for the first line.
== Update 2 ==
Since CSS seems to be limited to first-line
, and thanks to Zeke suggestion, I found an almost simple way to have what I want.
<pre id="raw">
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello World");
return 0;
<!-- 1×1 transparent PNG for the onload -->
<img src="" onload="PreHover()" />
#pre div:hover {
background: #ff0;
Vanilla Javascript:
function PreHover() {
var output = '';
var preBox = document.getElementById('raw');
var txt = preBox.innerHTML.split('\n');
for(var x=0;x<txt.length-1;x++) {
output = output + '<div>'+txt[x]+'</div>';
preBox.innerHTML = output;
This will help you wrap div for each line
var txt = $('pre').html().split("\n");
var output = "";
for(var x=0;x<txt.length-1;x++)
output = output + "<div>"+txt[x]+"</div>";
You can write one line css then for highlighting:
pre div:hover { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); }
Note: This requires jQuery
Optional: Add white-space:nowrap
to prevent wrapping each line
Why do this?
Because if just have <pre>
, it will be a DOM element containing just text inside it, on which you can make changes as a whole, and not line by line.
To have much better control over every line, build a new DOM element by manipulating the text contained in <pre>
with pre containing many div each of which contains one line of text. And now you can master each and every div