I'm quite new to Drupal, i setup node pages and assigned edit permission to various roles. Within the edit options i have a select list field with dropdown options red green blue yellow
What i'm looking at is to restrict each role from viewing items within a dropdown list.
Example: Student role will see red blue
Teacher role will see red green
Admin role will see red green blue yellow
I searched and seems like Entity Reference is the way togo but i can not set it up correctly. A. detail step by step help would be really appreciated
update: code need help
the following worked for me...
My form name is cal_form, field name is field_color
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
switch ($form_id) {
case 'cal_form':
global $user;
//check role
if (in_array('student', $user->roles)) {
//student role will not see the following entries
Added the above as php code as mymodule.module and activated it.
if it is a simple options list field then your simplest option is probably altering the edit form yourself with hook_form_alter or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter (hook_from_FORM_ID_alter is better as it will only run for that particular form).
If you use a taxonomy reference field instead, you could use taxonomy access or taxonomy access lite.