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Windows CE 5.0 emulator needed

I need an emulator for Windows CE 5.0 to test an embedded device (not PDA or smartphone) application that I am developing. This is what I have already tried:

  • Visual Studio 2008 Pro includes an emulator. Unfortunately, it does not include a Windows CE image (only Windows Mobile and Smartphone). Yes, there is a difference, see the screenshots here. Windows CE includes a "start button", windows that can be minimized, moved around etc.

  • There is a Windows CE Device Emulator available from Microsoft. Apart from the fact that its license only permits non-commercial use, it does not run in Windows 7 (it requires .net Framework 1.1, which is incompatible with Windows 7) nor in Windows XP mode (error message: "Emulator for Windows CE will not run one virtual machine within another. Please run the virtual machine on the host operating system").

Is there any option that I have missed?


  • Have you tried running Microsoft VirtualPC along with the Windows CE6 image or some other image for the version you are using

    I have not tried this myself, but it seems to work. (from my google/youtube searches)