I have read ZF documentation about ServiceManager and think configuration (even in "config" php files) like
public function getServiceConfig()
return array(
'invokables' => array(
'my-foo' => 'MyModule\Foo\Bar',
is very long and verbose. And, if I have a lot of dependencies, I want to use some sort of automatic code-geneation for this task.
In Symfony, I can to just write YAML configs like this:
mailer.transport: sendmail
class: Mailer
arguments: ["%mailer.transport%"]
class: NewsletterManager
- [setMailer, ["@mailer"]]
And it automatically compiles to PHP code by Symfony. Are there some solution to do similar work for ZF2? I don't think everybody writes tones of DI code instead of real work.
You can wire up the Zend\Config\Reader\Yaml to parse your configs, but they aren't going to be any more or less verbose, just a different format. If you prefer that format, feel free, but PHP arrays are exceedingly flexible and useful for config like this.