Search code examples

PageRank toy example fails to converge

I'm coding a toy PageRank, including a crawler as well. It looks a bit odd, as my code fails to converge the PR values. I can also note that the delta between each iteration is 0, part of the output would be:

links_to_node: set(['', ''])
links_from_node: set([''])
PR_score: 2.41759524248e+38
ttl_time: 1
last_delta: 0

The code is as follows:

import requests 
import lxml.html
import random

class pr_node:
        """WDM PR node"""
        url = ""
        links_to_node = set([])
        links_from_node = set([])
        PR_score = 0.0001
        ttl_time = 0
        last_delta = 0

        def __init__(self, url, ttl_time):
            self.url = url
            self.links_to_node = set([])
            self.links_from_node = set([])
            self.PR_score = 0.1
            self.ttl_time = ttl_time

        def print_node_out_links(self):
            print "\n\n" + self.url + " with ttl " + str(self.ttl_time) + " = "
            s = self.links_to_node
            print "{" + "\, ".join(str(e) for e in s) + "}"

        def print_node_pr(self):
            print "\n\n" + self.url + " PR is: " + str(self.PR_score)

        def print_all(self):
            print "url: " + self.url
            print "links_to_node: " + repr(self.links_to_node)
            print "links_from_node: " + repr(self.links_from_node)
            print "PR_score: " + str(self.PR_score)
            print "ttl_time: " + str(self.ttl_time)
            print "last_delta: " + str(self.last_delta)

def crawl(url, url_ttl):
        """crawl to new url, if ttl == 0 max depth reached, don't visit same url twice"""
        if url_ttl > 0 and (url not in visited_urls):

            # create new node p from parsed page
            print "crawling to " + url + "...\n"
            res = requests.get(url)
            doc = lxml.html.fromstring(res.content)
            p = pr_node(url, url_ttl)

            # add new PR node
            global pr_nodes
            pr_nodes[url] = p

            # get all wiki links
            all_links_to_node = set([])
            for t in doc.xpath("//a[contains(@href, '/wiki/')]"):
                add_val = ""
                if not t.attrib['href'].startswith("http://") and t.attrib['href'].startswith("/wiki/"):
                    add_val = "" + t.attrib['href']
                elif t.attrib['href'].startswith("http://"):
                    add_val = t.attrib['href']

            # select random 10 of them and crawl to them
            iter_count = 0
            iter_stop_lim = 10
            while iter_count < iter_stop_lim and len(p.links_to_node) < iter_stop_lim and len(all_links_to_node) > 0:
                    current_url = random.sample(all_links_to_node, 1)[0]

                    all_links_to_node.remove(current_url)  # don't do it twice...
                    iter_count = + 1
                    if not (current_url in visited_urls) and url_ttl > 1:
                        crawl(current_url, url_ttl - 1)
                    elif current_url in visited_urls and url_ttl == 1:

            print "max depth reached or you've already been here"

def calc_graph_pr(pr_iter_count, damp_factor):
    "print calculating PageRank"
    current_iter = 0
    global pr_nodes

    g1 = {}
    g2 = {}
    for node in pr_nodes.itervalues():
        g1[node.url] = node
        g2[node.url] = node

    g = [g1, g2]

    while current_iter < pr_iter_count:
        print "PageRank iteration #" + str(current_iter)
        for p in g[current_iter % 2].itervalues():
            in_links_addition = 0
            for l in p.links_to_node:
                l_val = g[(current_iter - 1) % 2][l]
       = l_val.PR_score - g[current_iter % 2][l].PR_score
                in_links_addition += l_val.PR_score/len(l_val.links_from_node)
            p.PR_score = damp_factor + (1 - damp_factor) * in_links_addition
        current_iter += 1

    pr_nodes = g[0] #WLOG could be also g[1]...

    for p in pr_nodes.itervalues():

    print "check bool:"
    print g1 == g2

def update_graph_links():
    global pr_nodes
    for node in pr_nodes.itervalues():
        for u in node.links_to_node:
            if u in pr_nodes:

visited_urls = set([])
pr_nodes = {}

glob_pr_iter_count = 50
glob_damp_factor = 0.2

crawl("", 3)

calc_graph_pr(glob_pr_iter_count, glob_damp_factor)


  • It was the edge adding function that ruined it all. Fixed it to:

    def update_graph_links():
        """register each node with neighbours pointing at it"""
        global pr_nodes
        for node in pr_nodes.itervalues():
            for u in node.links_to_node:
                if u in pr_nodes:

    After a few adjustments, some refactoring and adding proper comments it came up to the following code:

    import requests 
    import lxml.html
    import random
    import sys
    class pr_node:
            """WDM PR node"""
            url = ""
            links_to_node = set([])
            links_from_node = set([])
            PR_score = 0.01
            ttl_time = 0
            last_delta = 0  # used for debug only
            def __init__(self, url, ttl_time):
                self.url = url
                self.links_to_node = set([])
                self.links_from_node = set([])
                self.PR_score = 0.01
                self.ttl_time = ttl_time
            def print_node_out_links(self):
                """print for q1a"""
                print "\n\n" + self.url + " with ttl " + str(self.ttl_time) + " = "
                s = self.links_to_node
                print "{" + "\, ".join(str(e) for e in s) + "}"
            def print_node_pr(self):
                """print for q1b"""
                print "\n\n" + self.url + " PR is: " + str(self.PR_score)
            def print_all(self):
                """print for q1b and debug"""
                print "url: " + self.url
                print "links_to_node: " + repr(self.links_to_node)
                print "links_from_node: " + repr(self.links_from_node)
                print "PR_score: " + str(self.PR_score)
                print "ttl_time: " + str(self.ttl_time)
                print "last_delta: " + str(self.last_delta)
    def crawl(url, url_ttl):
            """crawl to new url, if ttl == 0 max depth reached, don't visit same url twice"""
            if url_ttl > 0 and (url not in visited_urls):
                # create new node p from parsed page
                print "crawling to " + url + "...\n"
                res = requests.get(url)
                doc = lxml.html.fromstring(res.content)
                p = pr_node(url, url_ttl)
                # add new PR node
                global pr_nodes
                pr_nodes[url] = p
                # get all wiki links, format to legit URL
                all_links_to_node = set([])
                for t in doc.xpath("//a[contains(@href, '/wiki/')]"):
                    add_val = ""
                    if not t.attrib['href'].startswith("http://") and t.attrib['href'].startswith("/wiki/"):
                        add_val = "" + t.attrib['href']
                    elif t.attrib['href'].startswith("http://"):
                        add_val = t.attrib['href']
                # select random 10 of them and crawl to them
                iter_count = 0
                iter_stop_lim = 10
                while iter_count < iter_stop_lim and len(p.links_to_node) < iter_stop_lim and len(all_links_to_node) > 0:
                        # sample random site of linked sites
                        current_url = random.sample(all_links_to_node, 1)[0]
                        # don't sample it twice...
                        iter_count = + 1
                        # crawl if hav'nt been there and TTL enables you to check it
                        if not (current_url in visited_urls) and url_ttl > 1:
                            crawl(current_url, url_ttl - 1)
                        # if reached with TTL == 1 just check links to existing nodes
                        elif current_url in visited_urls and url_ttl == 1:
                print "max depth reached or you've already been here"
    def calc_graph_pr(pr_nodes, pr_iter_count, damp_factor):
        """calculate and print the graph's PageRank"""
        current_iter = 0
        # use two graph copies to prevent auto-interference
        g1 = {}
        g2 = {}
        for node in pr_nodes.itervalues():
            g1[node.url] = node
            g2[node.url] = node
        g = [g1, g2]
        # do actual page rank here
        while current_iter < pr_iter_count:
            for p in g[current_iter % 2].itervalues():
                in_links_addition = 0
                # iterate over all pointing nodes and sum their PR/out_link_count
                for l in p.links_to_node:
                    l_val = g[(current_iter - 1) % 2][l]
           = l_val.PR_score - g[current_iter % 2][l].PR_score
                    in_links_addition += l_val.PR_score/len(l_val.links_from_node)
                # update w.r.t the computed sum and damp_factor
                p.PR_score = damp_factor + (1 - damp_factor) * in_links_addition
            current_iter += 1
        # WLOG could be also g[1]...
        pr_nodes = g[0]
        for p in pr_nodes.itervalues():
    def update_graph_links():
        """register each node with neighbours pointing at him"""
        global pr_nodes
        for node in pr_nodes.itervalues():
            for u in node.links_to_node:
                if u in pr_nodes:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        urlToCrawl = ""
        # crawl to the requested site as default
        if len(sys.argv) > 2:
            sys.exit("Unexpected input")
        elif len(sys.argv) == 1:
            urlToCrawl = sys.argv[1]
        print_q1a = False
        print_q1b = True
        # set global data structures for crawling and ranking
        visited_urls = set([])
        pr_nodes = {}
        # parameters for PageRank
        glob_pr_iter_count = 100
        glob_damp_factor = 0.2
        # perform crawl in depth 3
        crawl(urlToCrawl, 3)
        if print_q1a:
            for p in pr_nodes.itervalues():
        elif print_q1b:
            # first update the backlinks then start ranking
            calc_graph_pr(pr_nodes, glob_pr_iter_count, glob_damp_factor)