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NSView performance of wantsLayer

If I create a blank Mac XCode project and layout 500 simple NSView objects side by side in the main window it loads pretty damn fast. If I set wantsLayer=YES on each subview, performance dramatically drops, by several seconds. Why is this the case conceptually? It seems that layers would be faster not slower than regular old NSViews.


  • You're giving the system more work to do by layer-backing so many views. Layer-backing allows graphic acceleration (for drawing) but it adds a bit of overhead to things like layout, not to mention just creating them and putting them on screen. If used properly, it's not really much of a problem.

    Typically, if you had so many "things" to manage on screen at once, you'd have one layer-backed hosting view that manages its own tree of sublayers. "But what about view-based table views?" you ask. Trickery, trickery, I say! Table views don't actually keep all the cell views they manage around; they efficiently reuse them, keeping around only enough to represent what's on screen and/or animating around.

    So I'd say this isn't really a problem since it's not a particularly good approach to throw 500+ layer-backed views up for layout and drawing to begin with. :-)