I've been working on a little project and I want to convert the files to an executable. the files below are the files that need be included.
Btn1 Btn2 Btn3 ...
Scn1 Scn2 Snc3 ...
I'm not sure if they all need to be .exe file or if i can put them into the include in the setup file for CX_Freeze. thank you for any help
when I create the build it should run, open a loading screen then open to a main menu, but what actually happens is the program open says a hello message then in the command prompt it just keeps saying:
'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'Draw'
'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'Tick'
which is when the file scenes.py tries to open a Scn file that doesn't exist.
Ok so i figured it out. here is the Setup.py file of my program:
import cx_Freeze
#executables = [cx_Freeze.Executable("SimpleGUI.py", base = "Win32GUI")]
executables = [cx_Freeze.Executable("SimpleGUI.py")]
Packages = ["pygame","threading", "time", "socket","ConSetup",
Include = ["Pictures","Sounds"]
description = "Base Engine for development",
executables = executables
it turns out the issue was a corrupt text file :/
anyway for anyone who want to convert multiple .py files here is the code.
there is 2 Executable variables, the one that's commented out makes it so that the command prompt isn't visible.