Search code examples

Oracle Apex 5 custom report

in my application I have a form based on a report with the list of Dishes. I want to change apperance of the report so that it doesn't look like a table, but more like a list. I don't want to have a heading. I would expect something similar to the amazon list after you submit your search:

Is it possibe to achieve it without creating a plugin? How would you approach this?


  • You can do this by creating a new bespoke report template for the report.

    Go to Shared Components, Templates and create a new report template. Select "Named Column (row template)" as the template type.

    After creating it, edit it and change the "Row template 1" property which initially looks like this:


    Replace that with the HTML for each report row, for example:

      <div class="picture">
        <img src="#DISH_PICTURE#">
      <div class="description">

    The words between #'s are column names from your report query (this template is bespoke for this particular report). So your query might be:

    select dish_picture, dish_title, dish_details
    from dishes
    order by dish_seq;

    Use the "Before Rows" and "After Rows" properties to define the HTML before and after the rows, for example <ul class="dishList"> and </ul>.

    You can then apply styling using CSS in files or in the page attributes (for example).