I'm just trying to make this random script to make meta, open graph and twitter cards eisier together.
This is my PHP Code
$Title = "This is the Open Grah script";
$Description = "This is the one and only Description, or better yeh the first 150 charecters of the main content on your page. What ever you feel like really!";
echo "<html>
<title> $Title </title>";
echo '<meta name="description" content=" ';
echo '$Description';
echo '" />';
But this what happens in the source code when in the browser:
<title> This is the Open Grah script </title><meta name="description" content=" $Description" />
So basically it's not printing the $Description
$Title = "This is the Open Grah script";
$Description = "This is the one and only Description, or better yeh the first 150 charecters of the main content on your page. What ever you feel like really!";
$Twitter = "@obama";
echo "<html>
<title> $Title </title>";
echo '<meta name="description" content=" ';
echo $Description;
echo '" />';
echo "<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />";
echo '<meta name="twitter:site" content"';
echo $Twitter
echo '"/>';
echo '<meta name="twitter:title" content"';
echo $Title;
echo '" />';
echo '<meta name="twitter:description" content" ';
echo $Description;
echo '" />';
So it worked at first but it's not working now, don't really see the error.
print a php variable with single quote '$Description' it assume as string not a variable so you should do wrap it in double quotes "$Description".
echo '$Description';
echo "$Description";
Or simple echo the variable
echo $Description;