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OCLint not in system path

I have an Xcode project. I tried to integrate OcLint in it. But it says there is no OCLint.How can I download and addOCLint to my system path so that I can integrateOCLint in my xcode project.


When I have a partof OCLint script as

hash oclint &> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
echo >&2 "oclint not found, analyzing stopped"
exit 1

It gives oclint not found, analyzing stopped.

Please give me a solution for this.


  • You can download oclint from :

    To integarte into your xcode project u could use this link :

    Below is the script I am using to generate html file.

    OCLINT_HOME is the path for oclint downloaded folder. I have renamed the folder to oclintrelease.

    export PATH=$OCLINT_HOME/bin:$PATH
    hash oclint &> /dev/null
    if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
    echo >&2 "oclint not found, analyzing stopped"
    exit 1
    if [ ! -f compile_commands.json ]; then
    echo "[*] compile_commands.json not found, possibly clean was performed"
    echo "[*] starting xcodebuild to rebuild the project.."
    # clean previous output
    if [ -f xcodebuild.log ]; then
    rm xcodebuild.log
    cd ${SRCROOT}
    xcodebuild clean
    #build xcodebuild.log
    xcodebuild | tee ${TARGET_TEMP_DIR}/xcodebuild.log
    #xcodebuild <options>| tee ${TARGET_TEMP_DIR}/xcodebuild.log
    echo "[*] transforming xcodebuild.log into compile_commands.json..."
    #transform it into compile_commands.json
    echo "[*] starting analyzing"
    oclint-json-compilation-database -v oclint_args "-report-type html -o $OCLINT_HOME/report.html"

    Your report would be generated to the provided path in OCLINT_HOME using the above script.

    If you want to generate report in your derived data folder then replace the last line with :

    oclint-json-compilation-database -v oclint_args "-report-type html -o report.html"

    HTML report would be generated if and only if your build is successful and you can check your generated report path and script report into Log Navigator of Xcode.