I am making a slot machine app and using kankan's wheel for the same. I want to modify the library such that when the rotation stops the item it will point shoud be the one that I set . I have done this but there is a glitch that shows that we have changed the actual image to the one that we want . How to achieve this?
I have researched a lot on this and if I am right , android scroll is based on duration and distance not items . From kankan's wheel library I can get current item .Now , I am trying to stop the animation as well as scroll , as soon as a certain duration has been reached and the item is the one that I want (through index) . But this is not working .Please help!!
public class GameActivity extends Activity {
float mDeviceDensity;
String mUuid, mTitle, mContent, mReward;
ImageButton play;
SlotMachineAdapter slotAdapter;
private List<HashMap<String, Object>> slotImages = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
ArrayList<String> imagesWinId = new ArrayList<String>();
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
DisplayMetrics display = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
mDeviceDensity = display.density;
slotAdapter = new SlotMachineAdapter(this);
initWheel(R.id.slot_1, false, 0);
initWheel(R.id.slot_2, false, 1);
initWheel(R.id.slot_3, true, 2);
play = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.btn_mix);
play.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
shuffle(R.id.slot_1, 5000);
shuffle(R.id.slot_2, 7000);
shuffle(R.id.slot_3, 9000);
protected ImageLoader imageLoader;
ArrayList<SlotItem> arrListSlotItems;
private void getPassedData() {
try {
mUuid = getIntent().getStringExtra(getString(R.string.FILLER_UP_UUID));
imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
Uuid slotImagesExtra = (Uuid) (getIntent()
arrListSlotItems = slotImagesExtra.getArrSlotItemArray();
for (int i = 0; i < arrListSlotItems.size(); i++)
downloadSlotImages(arrListSlotItems.get(i).getSlotId(), arrListSlotItems.get(i).getImageUrl());
} catch (Exception e) {
// Wheel scrolled flag
private boolean wheelScrolled = false;
// Wheel scrolled listener
OnWheelScrollListener scrolledListener = new OnWheelScrollListener() {
public void onScrollingStarted(WheelView wheel) {
wheelScrolled = true;
public void onScrollingFinished(WheelView wheel) {
wheelScrolled = false;
setStatus(wheel.getId(), getWheel(wheel.getId()).getWinningIndex());
// Wheel changed listener
private OnWheelChangedListener changedListener = new OnWheelChangedListener() {
public void onChanged(WheelView wheel, int oldValue, int newValue) {
if (!wheelScrolled) {
* Updates status
private void updateStatus() {
public void myThread(){
Thread th=new Thread(){
public void run(){
GameActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
showAlertDialogWithSingleButton(GameActivity.this, mTitle, mContent, success);
}catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO: handle exception
android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener success = new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
if (mContent != null && mContent.contains("again"))
private void startHomeActivity() {
private void startNewsActivity() {
android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener fail = new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
public void showAlertDialogWithSingleButton(final Activity ctx, final String title, final String message,
DialogInterface.OnClickListener onClickListener) {
// show dialog
private void initWheel(int id, boolean monitorScroll, int itemIndex) {
Random randomGenerator = new Random();
int index = randomGenerator.nextInt(arrListSlotItems.size());
WheelView wheel = getWheel(id);
wheel.setCurrentItem((index ));
private WheelView getWheel(int id) {
return (WheelView) findViewById(id);
private void setStatus(int id, int item) {
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arrListSlotItems.size(); i++) {
SlotItem d = arrListSlotItems.get(i);
if (d.getSlotId() != 0 && d.getSlotId() == Integer.parseInt(imagesWinId.get(item)))
index = arrListSlotItems.indexOf(d);
getWheel(id).setCurrentItem(index, true);
if (id == R.id.slot_3) {
private void shuffle(int id, int duration) {
WheelView wheel = getWheel(id);
wheel.scroll(450 + (int) (Math.random() * 50), duration);
private class SlotMachineAdapter extends AbstractWheelAdapter {
final int IMAGE_WIDTH = getImageWidth(mDeviceDensity);
final int IMAGE_HEIGHT = getImageHeight(mDeviceDensity);
private Context context;
* Constructor
public SlotMachineAdapter(Context context) {
this.context = context;
* Loads image from resources
private Bitmap loadImage(Bitmap bitmap) {
Bitmap scaled = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, true);
return scaled;
public int getItemsCount() {
return slotImages.size();
// Layout params for image view
final LayoutParams params = new LayoutParams(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
public View getItem(int index, View cachedView, ViewGroup parent) {
ImageView img;
if (cachedView != null) {
img = (ImageView) cachedView;
} else {
img = new ImageView(context);
img.setPadding(0, 5, 0, 5);
SoftReference<Bitmap> bitmapRef = (SoftReference<Bitmap>) slotImages.get(index).get("image");
Bitmap bitmap = bitmapRef.get();
if (bitmap == null) {
bitmap = loadImage(bitmap);
return img;
private int getImageWidth(float density) {
private int getImageHeight(float density) {
private void downloadSlotImages(final int id, String slotObj) {
//downloading slot images from server
This is the code. Through this code, when slot stops I want it to scroll some more untill it reaches the image position that I receaved from server. I can do this .But this is providing a lil glitch . Is there any way to stop scrolling when the image is reached as soon as certain duration is reached.
P.S. If you need anymore detail I can provide you. P.P.S. Screenshots wont give you any detailed insight about the issue.
After days of searching I finally did it.All I had to do was set interpolater as LinearInterpolater and While setting setCurrentItem set animation as true.