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Why do I get a type mismatch for a map as a routing parameter?

I am using the playframework 2.3.8 and have a view-class. In there a is button:

<button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="@routes.Application.sendMap(myMap)" method="POST">Send</button>

I want to append a question / answer pair to the map in my controller class (

public static Result sendMap(Map<Question, List<Answer>> sendMap){
    Question question4 = new Question("ertw", "SendMap Question?", 34, "Tim");
    Answer answer41 = new Answer("werw", "ertw", "SendMap Answer 1!", 12, "Oliver");
    Answer answer42 = new Answer("tzsdfu", "ertw", "SendMap Answer 2!", 1, "Marcus");

    List<Answer> answerList4 = new ArrayList<Answer>();

    sendMap.put(question4, answerList4);
    return ok(views.html.frageAntwort.render(sendMap));

In my routes.conf I have added the route to the controller class and use Map as the parameter:

POST    /QuestionMap                    controllers.Application.sendMap(Map)

But now I get the error:

type mismatch; found : String required: java.util.Map[model.Question,java.util.List[model.Answer]]

Why does the map get converted into a string?


  • I've got it almost completely working now ... altough I dont completely understand how:

    My button in the view-class, now without any parameter

    <a href="@routes.Application.sendMap()"><button class="btn btn-default" type="button">Absenden</button>

    My controller-class now correctly puts another fake question/answer pair into the map and then returns it with the changed map to the index.scala.html:

    return ok(views.html.index.render(myMap));

    The most important part happens in routes.conf:

    GET     /                           controllers.Application.index()
    GET     /Fragenliste                controllers.Application.sendMap()
    GET     /FrageStellen               controllers.Application.askQuestion()
    GET     /Einstellungen              controllers.Application.showSettings()
    GET     /Quiz                       controllers.Application.startQuiz()

    sendMap() now has no parameters and points to another site named /Fragenliste. And there is the part I dont fully understand - if I use

    GET     /                           controllers.Application.sendMap()

    it points to the index()-method in In there I have another method called initialize():

    public static Result index() {
    public static void initialize() {
        Question question1 = new Question("xyz", "Do Androids dream?", 127, "Marcus");
        Answer answer11 = new Answer("zab", "xyz", "Only of electric sheep!", 70, "Tibor");
        Answer answer12 = new Answer("qwert", "xyz", "No, they dont!", 10, "Sarah");
        List<Answer> answerList1 = new ArrayList<Answer>();
        myMap.put(question1, answerList1);

    In this the map gets constructed, after I cleared potential rests of old maps. So my route points to the index and now the new question does not get added! Why cant I point to the index aswell and still have it work?

    Basically: = index ... user presses button for new question, gets transfered to ... user enters question and hits "submit", gets transfered to = index

    My solution for the moment is: = index ... user presses button for new question, gets transfered to ... user enters question and hits "submit", gets transfered to != index, but looks and works exactly like the index!

    Is there a way to do so? If yes, my problem would be fully solved.