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Cargo:run If you specify a containerId, you also need to specify a containerUrl

I am trying to run tomcat though cargo. Tomcat is already installed. cargo:deploy is working fine but when I try cargo:run I get the following error

If you specify a containerId, you also need to specify a containerUrl.

If I specify a containerURL I get the following error

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-    
plugin:1.4.13:run (default-cli) on project ctm: Unable to parse configuration   
of mojo org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:1.4.13:run for parameter 
containerURL: Cannot find 'containerURL' in class org.codehaus.cargo.maven2.configuration.Container

This is my Maven config


this is my profile


According to cargo documentation; type "existing" should use an existing container installation. I don't think I need containerURL unless the type is "standalone". I don't understand why I'm getting the containerURL error.

Documentation on type is here:


  • I think the documentation is unclear. I think cargo:run always uses a standalone local configuration, hence the description

    If the plugin configuration defines a container with a standalone local configuration, it will create the configuration.

    So it's probably ignoring your existing local configuration.