I am trying to build my own sms gateway by compile Kannel 1.5.0 on my mac 10.10. I installed all depends that Kannel required. I configured Kannel to work with Postgresql 9.3.5. BearerBox and smsBox are in good work order. I can send/receive sms from my HUAWEI E3131 3G WCDMA modem.
After I got sms gateway worked, I go next step by trying compile Kannel addons sqlbox to support sms sql storage and insert sms to database to trigger sms services. Following steps used:
use bootstrap to configure environments
configure sqlbox with Kannel support
./configure --with-kannel-dir=/usr/local/kannel --disable-docs --enable-drafts
make to compile
make install to install sqlbox to proper location
make bindir=/usr/local/kannel install
configure sqlbox by edit sqlbox.conf file like:
group = pgsql-connection id = pgsqlbox-db host = "" username = any password = any database = dlr max-connections = 1 port=5433
group = sqlbox id = pgsqlbox-db smsbox-id = sqlbox global-sender = "" bearerbox-host = localhost bearerbox-port = 13001 smsbox-port = 13002 smsbox-port-ssl = false sql-log-table = sent_sms sql-insert-table = send_sms log-file = "/usr/local/var/log/kannel/kannel-sqlbox.log" log-level = 0
configure postgresql to add table send_sms and sent_sms and test by using PSQL client to test, data base is working order
start services from terminal
./bearerbox -v 1 /usr/local/kannel/conf/smskannel.conf ./smsbox -v 1 /usr/local/kannel/conf/smskannel.conf
bearerbox and smsbox is in working order.
start sqlbox service
./sqlbox -v 1 /usr/local/kannel/conf/sqlbox.conf
error message was given:
2015-05-01 10:06:01 [11407] [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = 1, log_file = <none>, log_lvl = 0
2015-05-01 10:06:01 [11407] [0] INFO: Starting to log to file /usr/local/var/log/kannel/kannel-sqlbox.log level 0
2015-05-01 10:06:01 [11407] [0] INFO: Added logfile `/usr/local/var/log/kannel/kannel-sqlbox.log' with level `0'.
2015-05-01 10:06:01 [11407] [0] INFO: PGSQL: Connected to server at ''.
Segmentation fault: 11
in my understanding, Segmentation fault: 11 was thrown out by Postgresql server. So I configured Postgresql server to get more detail level debug information. Seems Postgresql is working fine.
Does anyone have a better idea about it? I totally lost my direction. Any advice are welcome.
Kannel is probably too old to care out the work in new system.
I changed it to Gammu 1.36.0,
compile and install
sudo make install
configure Gammu by using [gammu] and [smsd] sections
start service by
check log make sure it works 10.send test message by
11.receive sms 12.check database tables inbox and sentitems 13.done