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How to add a link inside a tool-tip Prime faces

I tried using the example given in the Prime Faces guide but I can't find the way to actually add the link inside the tooltip, besides how can I hideDelay it?

Lets start with this:

 <h:outputLink id="lnk" value="#">
 <h:outputText value="PrimeFaces Home" />
   <p:tooltip for="lnk">
 <h:outputText value="Visit PrimeFaces Home" />


  • Uhhmmmm there only is a link outside the tooltip in your code. There is no link inside it.

    <h:outputLink id="lnk" value="#">
       <h:outputText value="PrimeFaces Home" />
    <p:tooltip for="lnk">
        <h:outputLink id="lnk" value="">
            <h:outputText value="Visit PrimeFaces Home" />
