I try that the ios 7 will get the wrong height of status bar when the device rotated in swift. I have tested IPad Air (ios 7.0) and IPhone 6 (ios 8.2). It there any solution that can get the correct height of status bar?
Problem Coding(which it get self.view.bounds.size.width
let status_height = UIApplication.sharedApplication().statusBarFrame.size.height
The status bar height will change when rotate,So
Option 1
check statusBarOrientation
When in portrait Use this
let status_height = UIApplication.sharedApplication().statusBarFrame.size.height
When in landscape Use this
let status_height = UIApplication.sharedApplication().statusBarFrame.size.width
Option 2 Converted it to the right coordinate In the ViewController you want to get height
var statusBarFrame = self.view.window?.convertRect(UIApplication.sharedApplication().statusBarFrame, fromView: self.view)
var height = statusBarFrame?.height