I have successfully hooked up a Meteor Yahoo finance package. When I use a stock symbol like this "GOOG" it works fine, however when I use something like this "ENW.V" it fails.
Here is my stock Template
<template name="stock">
<li><strong>Name</strong> {{stock.name}}</li>
<li><strong>Ask</strong> {{stock.ask}}</li>
<li><strong>Bid</strong> {{stock.bid}}</li>
Here is my client side code.
Template.stock.rendered = function (){
if ( _.isEmpty(Session.get('ENW.V')) ) {
Meteor.call('getQuote', 'ENW.V', function(err, result) {
Session.set('ENW.V', result.ENW.V); // I think this is the error });
stock: function() {
return Session.get('ENW.V');
Here is my Server side code
getQuote: function( stockname ) {
return YahooFinance.snapshot({symbols: [stockname] });
My assumption is the result.ENW.V is causing the error, I am guessing that the result is coming from the getQuote method and that there must be a way to grab the result.ENW.V without having to have the ".V" part.
I am more than happy to add more info if needed. Here is the stock I am looking at in YQL Console search. https://goo.gl/hJvkSs
New Error with bracket notation added
Exception in delivering result of invoking 'getQuote': ReferenceError: ENW is not defined
Use bracket notation to access properties which are not valid identifiers: