Today i got this reader from local shop. Earlier i worked with Wiegand type readers with no problem. So anyway, when i try to read EM type card with 0009177233
ID (written on card) i should get at least 9177233
with start and stop chars expected. But instead i get 50008C0891
ASCII 50008C0891
HEX 02 35 30 30 30 38 43 30 38 39 31 0D 0A 03
BIN 00000010 00110101 00110000 00110000 00110000 00111000 01000011 00110000
00111000 00111001 00110001 00001101 00001010 00000011
I use USB-RS232 converter and RealTerm software.
The decimal 9177233 equals HEX 8C0891, so the software gives you the serialnumber in hexadecimal notation. I think, the full number 50008C0891 is the 5 Bytes (40bit) from the UID of the EM-type chip.