I could really use some help, and I'd really appreciate any pointers anyone can give. I know there are some other similar questions out there, but from what I can find, no one else has this specific issue/request.
I have a Google Sheet that three different people collaborate on. I have this notification script that will notify specific users via email about any changes to any of the cells in the F column. Importantly, this email notification also contains the value of the A cell in that row that has had it's F cell value changed.
However, what I'm really trying to achieve is a notification script that will email a specified person only when any cell in column F has a new value of "Yes" in Sheet2 of the master sheet.
The code I have so far is (that sends a notification when any change happens in the F column):
function sendNotification(e) {
var received = e.value; //Gets the value of the edited cell
function sendNotification() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet 2");
var cell = ss.getActiveCell().getA1Notation();
var row = sheet.getActiveRange().getRow();
var cellvalue = ss.getActiveCell().getValue().toString();
var received = ss.getRange('F2:F').getValue();
var recipients = "example@gmail.com";
var message = '';
message = sheet.getRange('A'+ sheet.getActiveCell().getRowIndex()).getValue()
var subject = 'A cell value '+ sheet.getRange('A'+ sheet.getActiveCell().getRowIndex()).getValue() + ' has been received';
var body = sheet.getName() + ' has been updated. Visit ' + ss.getUrl() + ' to view the changes on row: «' + row + '». New comment: «' + cellvalue + '». For message: «' + message + '»';
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, body)};
Logger.log('received value: ' + received);
If it helps, below is a code that works in my tests : (set up an installable trigger to make it work)
note : I added a couple of Logger.log
here and there to check the variables and a Browser
message to avoid sending mails while testing.
function sendNotification() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet 2");
var cell = ss.getActiveCell();
var row = sheet.getActiveRange().getRow();
var col = cell.getA1Notation().replace(/[0-9]/g,'').toLowerCase();
Logger.log('col = '+col);
var cellValue = cell.getValue().toString().toLowerCase();
var recipients = "example@gmail.com";
var message = '';
Logger.log(cellValue=="yes" && col=='f');
if(cellValue=="yes" && col=='f' ){
message = sheet.getRange('A'+ sheet.getActiveCell().getRowIndex()).getValue()
var subject = 'A cell value '+ sheet.getRange('A'+ sheet.getActiveCell().getRowIndex()).getValue() + ' has been received';
var body = sheet.getName() + ' has been updated. Visit ' + ss.getUrl() + ' to view the changes on row: «' + row + '». New comment: «' + cellValue + '». For message: «' + message + '»';
// MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, body)
Browser.msgBox('mail sent');
Logger.log('message body: ' + body);