i want to write chefspec for one of the recipe which has the code to create jenkins user as shown below.
jenkins_user 'test1' do
full_name 'test user'
email 'test1@test.com'
password 'testp'
Here "jenkins_user" is not a chef resource. how do i write a chefspec to run a unit test on the recipe.
or if we have anyother way to run a unit test for the recipe kindly let me know.
When you are including resources that are defined in another cookbook, if the cookbook author has written a libraries/matchers.rb
file then you can call those matchers in your ChefSpec unit tests.
For example, if you are using the Jenkins Community Cookbook you will see there is already a matchers.rb
file located here. So, you should be able to create unit tests like this:
it 'should create the jenkins user' do
expect(chef_run).to create_jenkins_user('test1')
If you are including resources from a cookbook that does not have matchers defined, then you will have to write your own matchers, and the details for doing this are in the documentation which Tensibai linked to.